USPTO Launches Public Image File Wrapper System
For a sample file history, enter 2003-0223231 for the pblication numer here. Courtesy of William F. Heinze Tuesday, March 25, 2025
According to their website, "ipAuctions Inc. was formed to provide a professional auction process for the sale of Intellectual Property assets. The site is designed for the corporate and business professional, as well as, U.S. Bankruptcy Court trustees, attorneys and other individuals who wish to auction valuable intangible assets. Results of recent auctions:
In a study released last night aimed at improving IP rights enforcement, the Patent Office called for the creation of a mutual insurance association to provide a fighting fund of £50,000, and possibly much more, for each member, to allow companies to take patent infringers to court. Government funding would be required for an initial period while membership numbers grew to a level for the mutual to be self sustaining. According to the Patent Enforcement Project study
"Invalidation based on a best mode violation requires that the inventor knew of and intentionally concealed a better mode than was disclosed. The specification states that the tilting action is assisted by gravity and does not need 'heavy equipment.' New Enterprise conceded, for purposes of its motion for summary judgment, that the placement of the pivot point four inches from the center of gravity was at "about" the center of gravity. High Concrete argued that since the tilting occurs primarily with gravity, the loading crane is a stabilizing and safety device, as any person in the field would understand and use for heavy or bulky cargo. New Enterprise conceded that use of a crane to assist with heavy loads is well known to persons in the field of loading cargo. There was neither evidence nor inference of concealment of this information by the inventors."
"Deliberate concealment is not charged. The best mode requirement of §112 is not violated by unintentional omission of information that would be readily known to persons in the field of the invention."
Cf, e.g., MPEP Sec. 2165 (active concealment not required for best mode violation)
The PCAOB adopted those generally accepted auditing standards, including their respective effective dates, as they existed on April 16, 2003, as interim PCAOB standards. Therefore, changing the reference from "generally accepted auditing standards" to "the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States)" does not change the substantive procedures performed by an auditor. Because GAAS and the standards of the PCAOB are one and the same for PCAOB-registered public accounting firms, the PCAOB believes that a reference to GAAS in auditors' reports would no longer be appropriate or necessary.
less than 10%: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA
10 - 24%: Bahrain, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman, Qatar, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, UAE, Zimbabwe
25 - 50%: Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Israel, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand
greater than 50%: Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Indonesia, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela
According to the report, rising global overcapacity for the manufacture of discs is a key factor behind the spread of disc piracy. In the countries shown in red above, estimated capacity (in thousands of units) outstrips local legitimate demand by no less than nine times and, in some cases, by more than 30 times.
Country Capacity Demand %Demand
TAIWAN 7,900 270 2926 CHINA 4,900 1,100 445
HONG KONG 2,500 140 1786
INDIA 1,900 400 475
MALAYSIA 1,860 60 3100
SINGAPORE 620 60 1033 BRAZIL 630 140 450
THAILAND 570 27 2111
POLAND 500 150 333
RUSSIA 370 30 1233
TOTAL 217,500 23,770 915
CTM-Online is now updated daily with
Would you like to take part in a live, interactive, free of charge Esp@cenet® coaching session? On August 5 and 6, 2004 the European patent Office will conduct an introductory virtual classroom session on "Searching in Esp@cenet®." For details and registration go to the virtual classroom pages.
This court has determined to hear this case en banc in order to resolve issues concerning the construction of patent claims raised by the now-vacated panel majority and dissenting opinions. The parties are invited to submit additional briefs directed to these issues, with respect particularly to the following questions:
This case will be heard en banc on the basis of the briefs already filed and any additional briefs addressing the questions set forth above. Amicus curiae briefs may be filed by bar associations, trade or industry associations, government entities, and other interested parties. Amicus briefs shall be limited to 5,000 words, and shall be filed within sixty days from the date of this Order.
The new local patent rules for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia are now effective for any case filed or transferred after July 15, 2004. They apply to all civil actions which allege infringement of a utility patent in a complaint, counterclaim, cross-claim or third party claim, or which seek a declaratory judgment that a utility patent is not infringed, is invalid or is unenforceable.
Among other things, the new local rules require
Click here for all of the local rules from the ND GA and click here for information on other jurisdictions.
Creative London is offering a free copyright and Intellectual Property service to ensure London's creative community actually profits from its innovations. Called 'Own It', this service will work with 16 major industry organizations to deliver seminars, online and face-to-face advice to ensure creative professionals understand how to exploit and protect their ideas.
According to Creative London's Vision and Plan, one in every five new jobs in the capital city is in the "creative industries." Their Creative Sector 2004 Update from GLA Economics also reports that one in seven of London’s jobs is now in the creative sector. Nearly half its creative industry employees are in creative occupations, in contrast to an average of 30 per cent in the rest of the UK.
ChemFinder has been providing free chemical searching to hundreds of thousands of scientists since 1995. This free database includes: 2D structures & 3D models, physical properties, and links to other websites with information about your compound.
On Monday, July 26, 2004, the Practising Law Institute is offering a FREE one-hour briefing on the new patent bar application and exam procedures, at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). For more information, visit PLI's Patent Bar Review Web site,, or call (888) 296-5973.
From the Association of Patent Law Firms:
Unlike general practice firms, APLF member firms do nothing but provide their clients with cutting-edge intellectual property counseling and services. As part of that commitment to excellence, two of our attorneys now offer free "blogs" with the latest news and information in this rapidly evolving field. If you have not seen them already, then check out
"I/P Updates" at
News and information for sophisticated intellectual property practitioners, courtesy of William F. Heinze at Thomas, Kayden, Horstemeyer & Risley, L.L.P. in Atlanta.
"Patently Obvious" at
A patent law resource by Dennis Crouch at McDonnell, Boehnen, Hulbert, & Berghoff, LLP in Chicago.
What is a Blog?
According to Wikipedia, the term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger in December 1997 to describe frequently "updated sites that point to articles elsewhere on the web, often with comments, and to on-site articles." The shorter version, "blog," first appeared in 1999 when Peter Merholz broke the word "weblog" into "wee' blog" in the sidebar of his site. The word was later popularized by Pyra's creation of the Blogger weblog service and, in 2002, earned a draft definition in the Oxford English Dictionary.
Most blogs are now in "web syndication" so that periodic "feeds" are available by e-mail with a list of the latest content additions. The feeds come in RSS or Atom formats, and subscribers use "feed reader" applications or services to monitor new postings. Most syndicated blogs will also have links several free feed reader services, such as Bloglet, Bloglines, or My Yahoo! (beta).
For more information on blogging for legal expertise, check out
"Blawg" at
Categorized directory of blogs that are focused on the law or legal-related professions.
"Law Sites" at
Tracking new and intriguing Web sites for lawyers by Robert J. Ambrogi.
"Jaffe Legal News Service" at
Weekly media tipsheet with Top Stories, Practice Specific News, Law Firm News, and Articles for Publication.
And, for information on joining the intellectual property experts in the Association of Patent Law Firms, contact
According to an April 9, 2004 article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, a "DSpace search feature" could soon appear on Google's advanced-search page. DSpace is a digital library system to capture, store, index, preserve, and redistribute the intellectual output of a university’s research faculty in digital formats. It is freely available to research institutions world-wide as an open source system that can be customized and extended, and it accepts all forms of digital materials including text, images, video, and audio files.
Click here for links to other projects involving similar institutional repositories for digital preservation and related technologies.
The Tresor perfume was considered by the court as having an original character bearing the personal imprint of its creator, thus entitling it to copyright protection in the Netherlands. In view of this, and the improbability of the resemblance to Tresor being coincidental, the court concluded that the defendant had deliberately and unlawfully infringed Lancomes copyright.