Free CLE from the Audio "IP Colloquium"
The Intellectual Property Colloquium at is an online audio program devoted to intellectual property topics. According to UCLA Professor of Law Doug Lichtman,
We aspire to be something like an NPR talk show, but focused on copyrights
and patents, and aimed primarily at a legal audience. The programs are
neither lectures nor debates. They are conversations, ideally thoughtful
ones, with guests drawn from academia, the entertainment community, and the
various technology industries.Each program lasts one hour; is downloadable; and
(the kicker) any lawyer who listens to our programs can earn (free) CLE credit
in California, New York, and any state that accepts one of those through
reciprocity. (We should soon be able to offer CLE in all the states, but
for now the combination of California, New York, and reciprocity should cover
most of our audience regardless.)I host each program; and our first one, a
lively conversation with Fred von Lohmann of the EFF, is up and ready to
go. A schedule of up-coming shows is already posted on the site, as are a
variety of subscription features that provide updates every time a new audio is
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