Japan Joins USPTO and EPO in the 'PDX' Priority Document Exchange Program
As of July 28, 2007, the USPTO can now exchange priority documents electronically with the Japan Patent Office (JPO) as well as the European Patent Office (EPO). The USPTO exchanges priority documents with the JPO and EPO through secure, electronic connections using the Trilateral Document Access (TDA) Web Services at no cost to the applicant.
For U.S. applications filed on or after July 28, 2007, the USPTO will automatically attempt to electronically retrieve a copy of any JPO priority document, to which priority is claimed in a U.S. application. The USPTO already automatically attempts to electronically retrieve a copy of any EPO priority document to which priority is claimed in a U.S. application. However, priority documents will be provided to the JPO and EPO only if one of the following criteria is met:
For U.S. applications filed on or after July 28, 2007, the USPTO will automatically attempt to electronically retrieve a copy of any JPO priority document, to which priority is claimed in a U.S. application. The USPTO already automatically attempts to electronically retrieve a copy of any EPO priority document to which priority is claimed in a U.S. application. However, priority documents will be provided to the JPO and EPO only if one of the following criteria is met:
- The U.S. application is published or patented; -OR-
- The U.S. application has cleared national security review and the applicant submitted written authorization to transmit the priority document to the intellectual property specified. Use of form PTO/SB/39 entitled “Authorization To Permit Access To Application By Participating Offices” is encouraged for this purpose .
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