I'm Baaack! To Basics, That Is . . .

And we're also making some improvements to this cocky little news service.
First, if you haven't already become a client or made a successful referral, then now's the time. With a current circulation of over 18,000 intellectual property enthusiasts at law firms, corporations, service providers, product vendors, universities, media outlets, governments, and policy institutions around the world, I've had to start trimming the subscriber base in order to control costs. New subscribers and sponsors are still welcome, but this isn't public radio you know; so don't make me start a pledge drive. Act now to keep from losing your subscription!
Second, I'm trying to cover some new areas in an attempt to sharpen the focus of the articles, and my practice. Along these lines, I'll be looking at decisions of the U.S. District Courts in Georgia and the International Trade Commission in Washington DC. If there are any other areas of intellectual property that you would like to see covered, or at least better-served, then drop me a line. And remember, if you like this news service, then you'll love the way that we practice law.
Finally, I would to again thank all of you readers who have provided such generous feedback with your kind words of encouragement. They are much appreciated, so let's
Keep in Touch,

William F. Heinze*
Thomas, Kayden, Horstemeyer & Risley, L.L.P.
100 Galleria Parkway, N.W., Suite 1750
Atlanta, GA 30339-5948 (USA)
Tel.: (770) 738-2382
Fax: (770) 951-0933
Mobile: (404) 729-0729
E-Mail: BillHeinze@tkhr.com (business)
E-Mail: BillHeinze@yahoo.com (personal)
Profile: http://www.tkhr.com/Bill.Heinze
News Service: http://www.ip-updates.com/
*Admitted to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Not admitted in Georgia.
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