PCT Rule Changes Planned for April 2007
- minimum requirements for International Searching and Preliminary
Examining Authorities (relating to the International Authorities’
quality management systems and internal review arrangements); - changes to physical requirements of the international application
to assist optical character recognition (minimum text size requirements and procedures for making corrections); - clarification of language-related requirements of the international application (relating to the language of indications in relation to deposited biological material, of corrections of defects in translations and of the international search report, and to the establishment of
translations of international search reports, abstracts, etc.); - clarifications and consequential amendments relating to amendments previously adopted by the Assembly.
The Assembly agreed that there would be a further session of the Working Group on Reform of the PCT before the 2007 session of the Assembly to consider outstanding proposals for reform of the PCT including, in particular, options for applicants to request international publication in multiple languages and supplementary searches to be carried out by Authorities other than the main International Searching Authority, as well as proposals relating to declaration of the source of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in patent applications. The Assembly noted that there are only a few PCT reform-related items remaining on the agenda of the Working Group and that the next meeting of the Working Group would most likely be the last in the present reform exercise.
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