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Archived updates for Friday, September 08, 2006

TGIF for the Pampered Pooch

"Dog waste catcher and holder"
Setsuko Borman of Puyallup, Washington (USA)

What is claimed is:

1. A dog waste catcher and holder comprising:

a loop shaped device;
a carrying rod;
means of securing the loop shaped device to an end of the carrying rod in parallel fashion; and
a plastic bag placed inside the loop shaped device, wherein an upper portion of the bag is folded over the loop shaped device and bag ends are tied to the end of the rod.

2. A dog waste catcher and holder of claim 1, wherein said loop shaped device
is made of any material selected from a group consisting of wire, plastic, and

3. A dog waste catcher and holder of claim 1, wherein said carrying rod is made of any material selected from a group consisting of bamboo, wood, plastic, and metal.

Thank Goodness It's Friday,

--Bill Heinze

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