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Archived updates for Tuesday, September 26, 2006

IBM to Publish Patent Filings

According to Steve Lohr writing for the New York Times on September 26, 2006 "I.B.M., the nation’s largest patent holder, will publish its patent filings [18 months after filing] on the Web for public review as part of a new policy that the company hopes will be a model for others."

The move appears to have been in response to its "Building a New IP Marketplace, A Global Innovation Outlook 2.0 Report," available here.

American Public Media's Marketplace also reported that "Big Blue's new policy is part of a pilot program from the government to trim application waiting time. Microsoft, GE, Hewlett-Packard and others will also participate in the peer review of patent applications. In exchange, their applications move to the top of the heap."

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Blogger Lawrence B. Ebert said...


September 27, 2006 7:25 AM  

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