New Unfair Import Complaints for Lighters, Networks, and Portable Media Players
Docket No. 2486 was filed on 05/16/2006 by Zippo Manufacturing Co. for "Lighters" naming as proposed respondents Tung Fong International Promotion Co., Ltd., (Hong Kong); Wenzhou Star Smoking Set Co., Ltd., (China); Taizhou Rongshi Lighter Development Co., Ltd., (China); Wenshou Tailier Smoking Set Co., Ltd., (China); (New YorK); Kalan LP (dba Kalan Trendsetting Gifts & Novelties), (PA) and Vista Wholesale, (Indiana).
Docket No. 2485 was filed on 05/15/2006 by Telcordia Technologies, Inc. for "Telecommunications or Data Communications Networks" naming as proposed respondent(s) are Cisco Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA, Lucent Technologies, Inc., Murray Hill, NJ, Alcatel S.A., Paris, France and Alcatel USA, Inc., Plano, TX.
Docket No. 2484 was filed on 05/15/2006 by Creative Labs, Inc. for "Portable Digital Media Players" naming as proposed respondent Apple Computers, Inc.
The Commission now has 30-35 days from the filing date of the complaint in which to decide whether to institute the investigation. Upon institution, the proposed respondent will be served with the Complaint via postal mail and an Administrative Law Judge will schedule discovery, conduct a trial, and issue a written "Initial Determination," usually within about 10 months. Due to the expedited nature of these proceedings, and availability of general exclusion orders affecting non-parties, it is important to notify any potential importers of similar products as soon as possible.
Click here for more information on the importance of monitoring these ITC investigations and click here for a free audio-visual Internet presentation on "Unfair Import Investigations at the U.S. International Trade Commission."For the latest details on a particular Section 337 investigation, contact Bill Heinze (, at Thomas, Kayden, Horstemeyer & Risley in Atlanta, Georgia.
Docket No. 2485 was filed on 05/15/2006 by Telcordia Technologies, Inc. for "Telecommunications or Data Communications Networks" naming as proposed respondent(s) are Cisco Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA, Lucent Technologies, Inc., Murray Hill, NJ, Alcatel S.A., Paris, France and Alcatel USA, Inc., Plano, TX.
Docket No. 2484 was filed on 05/15/2006 by Creative Labs, Inc. for "Portable Digital Media Players" naming as proposed respondent Apple Computers, Inc.
The Commission now has 30-35 days from the filing date of the complaint in which to decide whether to institute the investigation. Upon institution, the proposed respondent will be served with the Complaint via postal mail and an Administrative Law Judge will schedule discovery, conduct a trial, and issue a written "Initial Determination," usually within about 10 months. Due to the expedited nature of these proceedings, and availability of general exclusion orders affecting non-parties, it is important to notify any potential importers of similar products as soon as possible.
Click here for more information on the importance of monitoring these ITC investigations and click here for a free audio-visual Internet presentation on "Unfair Import Investigations at the U.S. International Trade Commission."For the latest details on a particular Section 337 investigation, contact Bill Heinze (, at Thomas, Kayden, Horstemeyer & Risley in Atlanta, Georgia.
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