The Georgia SpringPosium Conference
Mark your calendar for April 28-30, 2006, for the second annual SpringPosium 2006 intellectual property and technology law conference, presented by Gardner Groff. This year will be at the Brasstown Valley Resort, near Young Harris, in the North Georgia mountains.
The SpringPosium™ conference is a three-day IP and technology law retreat providing your yearly requirement of CLE along with social and recreational time with your colleagues. While everyone is welcome to attend, the event is designed for in-house counsel, law firm associates, and others unable to attend out-of-state CLE functions. And by keeping the location close to Atlanta, you’ll only miss one day of work.
Click here for more information on the 2006SpringPosium™ CLE Seminar.
The SpringPosium™ conference is a three-day IP and technology law retreat providing your yearly requirement of CLE along with social and recreational time with your colleagues. While everyone is welcome to attend, the event is designed for in-house counsel, law firm associates, and others unable to attend out-of-state CLE functions. And by keeping the location close to Atlanta, you’ll only miss one day of work.
Click here for more information on the 2006SpringPosium™ CLE Seminar.
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