U.S. Losing Support on Opposition to WIPO Development Agenda
Get more details on the WIPO Genral Assembly from EFF's Depp Links Blog.Developing countries have resisted the PCIPD proposal out of concern that it would marginalise the development agenda, which they argue cuts across core areas at WIPO.
The United States argued in a floor statement Thursday that WIPO has not ignored development concerns and that intellectual property does not hinder development. The earlier Intersessional Intergovernmental Meeting (IIM) meetings have not provided a forum for an in-depth examination of all proposals, and that no consensus has emerged on any of the proposals put forward in the IIM, the U.S. delegate said.
The U.S. further said it supports a “frank exchange of views” and work to respond to developing country needs, but that the IIM process “was a compromise, time-limited, and reached the end of its mandate at the end of July 2005.” The time has come for a permanent forum to discuss the issues, and the PCIPD would be the best as it could be easily converted, it said.
“Despite our belief that WIPO is not, and should not become, a core development body, we do support WIPO improving its efforts, within its core competencies to bring the benefits of IP to all of its member states,” the U.S. delegate said, adding that this could be added to the PCIPD mandate.
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