TGIF for Renting your DVR on the Internet
But, as pointed out by Joe Gratz on Corante's Copyfight Blog, "before submitting a recording request, the user must click a check-box next to the following statement:Now you don't have to remember to program your DVR or VHS to record you
favorite TV show. With the Rent My DVR site you can simple hire someone that
will do the recording for you. Simply file a request on our site to have someone record for you and as soon as a new episode of your favorite show has been broadcasted, it is downloaded automatically to your computer and you can
watch it whenever you want. Record 5 TV shows for a Euro!Make money by letting your DVR. If you would let your DVR to our users, please sign up for a recorders account.
Sign up today!
"I assure [you] that I have an agreement with ABC that allows me to record thisOoooh, just wait until the folks at the American Brodcasting Company find out about this. . . .
Thank Goodness It's Friday,
--Bill Heinze
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