U.S. Trademark Official Gazette Searchable Via TESS
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) now features a new Trademark Official Gazette (TMOG) "search line." By entering the publication date of a particular TMOG into the new search line, users can generate a list of all marks published for opposition in that TMOG, or a list of all new registrations published in that TMOG. Additionally, users can refine those lists so that they include only marks published in a particular TMOG that have particular characteristics.
While the TMOG is published each Tuesday, the TESS records for particular marks generally do not include the TMOG publication date for the mark until the following Wednesday. Hence, a search of a particular TMOG issue that is conducted on the day that issue is published may not yield any results.
While the TMOG is published each Tuesday, the TESS records for particular marks generally do not include the TMOG publication date for the mark until the following Wednesday. Hence, a search of a particular TMOG issue that is conducted on the day that issue is published may not yield any results.
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