Marking the Patent Beast?
Long ago inventors would be criminally punished for failing to mark their products, but then the law was changed to couple the punishment (no retrospective damages)with patent law. It seems that a more severe punishment is necessary to ensure that software products continue to be marked. This proposal is that patent holders be permanently barred from enforcing patents on products not marked. Whether this proposal is limited to software patents or not is not relevant to this paper.
A milder proposal is that damages would be disallowed until the products are marked, regardless of notice. In practical terms it might amount to the same thing. Major computer patent portfolios are so large that companies don’t know what they own, and it seems unlikely that any large-scale marking effort would take place given the expense and the need for near-total compliance among the companies’ own products as well as those of licensees. It seems more likely that marking efforts would focus on the most valuable patents, having already been identified for licensing purposes.
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