Habemus Papam Squatteram
This self-proclaimed "understatedly handsome computer book author" who registered www.benedictxvi.com says that he just wanted to prevent a pornographer or online casino from getting it first. He has a few requests (not demands) before "the future of this domain will be routed through his devout Catholic grandmother:"
- Three days, two nights at the Vatican hotel they built for the conclave.
- One of those hats.
- Complete absolution, no questions asked, for the third week of March 1987.
- A back-cover blurb from the Pope for the next edition of Movable Type 3 Bible Desktop Edition. But only if he uses the book to create his own weblog.
- World peace.
Bill, I thought you made up that demand list and was laughing my ass off. Then I clicked the link to find out that is the real list... That is hilarious. I hope he gets the hat, and I also hope he has to tell everyone what happened that 3rd wk of March 1987. -Chris
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