USPTO TC 2800 Technology Fair Invitation
USPTO Technology Center 2800 is holding a technology fair on May 17 and 18.
Technology Center 2800 covers a broad range of electrical and optical technologies. The Fair will consist of having inventors, who have expertise in the technology that falls under TC 2800, coming to the PTO to share their knowledge with our patent examiners. The Tech Fair will consist of a combination of lectures and a product demonstration expo. At the product demonstration expo, inventors can provide a product or a model of their invention. Due to time constraints, the presentations and products should be centered on cutting edge technology and not on the history of the technology.
Unfortunately, since they are a Government Agency, they are unable to pay for travel, hotel, food or other expenses incurred by those attending this event. The date we have set for the technology fair is May 17-18. The event will last two days and there will be morning and afternoon sessions. The product expo will be held the morning on May 17, only. There will not be any lectures during the time set for the product expo.
Please share this information with inventors who you believe would like to participate in the product demonstration expo, present a lecture, or participate in both activities. Persons who wish to participate in this event can contact:
John Lee,
SPE, Art Unit 2881
Technology Center 2800 covers a broad range of electrical and optical technologies. The Fair will consist of having inventors, who have expertise in the technology that falls under TC 2800, coming to the PTO to share their knowledge with our patent examiners. The Tech Fair will consist of a combination of lectures and a product demonstration expo. At the product demonstration expo, inventors can provide a product or a model of their invention. Due to time constraints, the presentations and products should be centered on cutting edge technology and not on the history of the technology.
Unfortunately, since they are a Government Agency, they are unable to pay for travel, hotel, food or other expenses incurred by those attending this event. The date we have set for the technology fair is May 17-18. The event will last two days and there will be morning and afternoon sessions. The product expo will be held the morning on May 17, only. There will not be any lectures during the time set for the product expo.
Please share this information with inventors who you believe would like to participate in the product demonstration expo, present a lecture, or participate in both activities. Persons who wish to participate in this event can contact:
John Lee,
SPE, Art Unit 2881
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