PCT IPER Deadlines Avoided with Regional Phase Entry
CH Switzerland (EP)
LU Luxembourg (EP)
SE Sweden (EP)
TZ United
Republic of Tanzania (AP)
UG Uganda (AP)
ZM Zambia (AP)
If, however, you have a particular need to enter the national phase in any of the above-mentioned States (as opposed to the regional phase), and you wish to extend the time limit for entry into the national phase in that or those States from 20 to 30 months, then you should make sure that the demand is filed
within 19 months from the priority date.
For information on the filing of a demand under the new enhanced international search and examination system, see the “Practical Advice�
in PCT Newsletter No. 12/2003, and the PCT Applicant’s Guide, Vol. I, paragraphs 322 to 409, available on the PCT website at, respectively:
www.wipo.int/edocs/pctndocs/en/2003/pct_news_2003_12.pdf and
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