Nanotech Public Science Initiative Figures

According to a January 25, 2005 press release from Lux Research, U.S. states poured more than $400 million into nanotechnology research, facilities, and business incubation programs in 2004 -- on top of greater than $1 billion in federal government spending -- making nanotech the largest publicly-funded science initiative since the space race.
"Multiple stakeholders -- including state and local officials, federal representatives, large corporations, start-ups, investors, and universities -- have a vested interest in making nanotechnology efforts succeed," "Biotechnology created more than 400,000 jobs from 1979 to 1999," said Lux Research Managing Director F. Mark Modzelewski. "Nanotechnology promises a far greater economic impact because it can affect not just biologically derived products, but all manufactured goods. Also, it's not just new jobs that are at risk from nanotech; existing ones in industries impacted by nanoscale science are on the line as well."
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