Get Your I/P Updates via E-Mail with "ERA"

The "ERA" Email RSS Aggregator is a free, centralised RSS aggregator which automatically emails updated content to subscribers. Once you have a free ERA account, you can subscribe to any RSS feed. ERA will then monitor those feeds and email you with any changes. It's still in its infancy, and undergoing testing. However, there's an email interface working now.
To use the ERA email interface, send an email to containing one of the following commands. You can send more than one command in each email, but each command needs to be on its own line and ERA won't respond unless it gets a valid command. ERA identifies you by your email address, so you always need to send commands from the same email address. ERA also likes plain text emails; HTML emails and other formatted emails might not work properly. For most commands, ERA will then send you an ID number, which you send back to confirm the commands so that someone else can't impersonate you.
The ERA Email Interface Commands
(Note: the stuff in brackets should be replaced by real URLs, usernames, etc. The brackets themselves shouldn't be in commands.)
- account [username]
Creates a new ERA account where[username] is the username for your account that will be used once the web interface is functional
- subscribe [url] [hour, hour, ...]
Subscribes to an RSS feed where[url] is the Uniform Resource Locator of the feed you want to subscribe to, and
[hour] is the list of hour(s) between 0 and 23 when you want to be emailed. If you don't specify any hours, you'll get mailed every hour. For example, after establisng an account (see above) the following command will cause you to receive daily I/P Updates at 6:00 am and 6:00 pm GMT:
To alter your subscription times, just send another subscription request with the new times - these will over-write your old times.subscribe 6, 18
- list
Returns an e-mail message with a list of feeds that you're subscribed to (no confirmation required)
- help
Returns an e-mail message with descriptions of these commands (no confirmation required)
Here is a sample of today's ERA on I/P Updates, best viewed with your browser encoding set to Unicode (UTF-8):
Subject: I/P Updates (07:00-06:00)
To: William F. Heinze
From: era
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 06:22:32 +0000 (GMT)<>
Where in the World is WIPO's Newest Member?
Union des Comores - Udzima wa Komori - الاتØاد القمرOn January 3, 2005, the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) presented his compliments to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and had the honor to notify him of the deposit by the Government of the Union of the Comoros of its instrument of accession to the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual
First seen: 2005-01-19 00:00:00
Last updated: 2005-01-19 00:00:00
The Economic Development Dimensions of IP
<>In "Intellectual Property Research and Development Lessons from Recent Economic Research," editors Carsten Fink and Keith E. Maskus conclude that developing countries should carefully assess whether the economic benefits of additional rules
for the protection of IPRs outweigh their costs. In their view, these costs encompass both the net fiscal expenditure of financing relevant government agencies
First seen: 2005-01-19 00:00:00
Last updated: 2005-01-19 00:00:00
Off Patent, Open Source Model for Curing Tropical Disease
<>According to a January 16, 2005 article from Science Daily, Stephen Maurer, Arti Rai, and Andrej Sali have developed an open source model for curing tropical diseases called the "Tropical Disease Initiative." "As with current software collaborations, we propose a website where volunteers could search and annotate shared databases. Individual pages would host tasks such as searching for
First seen: 2005-01-19 00:00:00
Last updated: 2005-01-19 00:00:00
This e-mail was sent by era, the e-mail RSS aggregator, using content from<>
The content is subject to any copyright restrictions expressed in the file at the above URL.
Comments, queries, and complaints should be sent to <>. More information can be found at <>.
ERA can have problems with email clients breaking very long commands on to multiple lines. Since it expects commands all on one line, this can mean it misses important information (like the URL, or more commonly the times).
To get around this, you can break your commands onto multiple lines yourself, by putting a "\" at the end of each line:
6, 18
Ian Malpass, ERA
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