Movie Piracy Lawsuits to Start November 16
According to a November 4, 2004 report from Wired, "Dan Glickman, president and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America, said that its member studios will file lawsuits beginning Nov. 16 and will seek damages and injunctive relief. Knowingly distributing copyright films carries penalties of up to $150,000 per film." Wired also reported that Eric Garland, CEO of BigChampagne "said the movie industry has a better chance to quash the P2P problem before it gets out of control by offering better digital entertainment services than P2P does. 'Hollywood should win this. They know how to sell us what we want. They need to focus on that.'"
According to a November 5, 2004 report from Asociated Press, "In October, slightly more than 44 million digital files that made up full-length feature films were being shared on peer-to-peer networks, according to BigChampagne LLC, which tracks activity on file-sharing networks. More than 1.3 billion audio files were being shared at any given time last month, according to BigChampagne."
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