EmailStripper Freeware for Removing Formmatting from EFS-ABX
EmailStripper is a free program for cleaning the ">" and other formatting characters out of your emails. It will restore "forwarded" or "replied" emails back to their original state so they're easier to read.
According to a post by Mike Phillips on the EFS Discussion list, it can also be used to reduce all text to pure ASCII, thereby removing all formatting codes. Just paste text into the window and then copy it back to the clipboard without pressing the Strip It! button. "No formatting codes can survive the transition," writes Mike.
According to a post by Mike Phillips on the EFS Discussion list, it can also be used to reduce all text to pure ASCII, thereby removing all formatting codes. Just paste text into the window and then copy it back to the clipboard without pressing the Strip It! button. "No formatting codes can survive the transition," writes Mike.
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