Corporate Counsel Describe Outrageous Bills
The following examples appeared in a recent issue of Corporate Counsel Magazine next to an article entitled "GCs Audit Outside Counsel With E-Billing"
Better yet, click here for information on electronic billing of intellectual property legal services.
* overdue book charges from the Los Angeles County Law LibraryJohn McGuckin, executive vice president, general counsel and secretary of Union Bank of California offers this advice -- "When in doubt, don't bill it, especially if the final bill for legal services has already been sent."
* computer service desk and secretarial time
* expert fees, for work done after a case was settled
* a bonus to the bill for good results after a lost trial
* three lawyers travelling first class when only one was needed
* a 30% "success fee" bonus for an uncontested takeover of a public company
* .3 or .5 hours for notifying a partner at another of the firm's offices that someone would be calling to seek assistance
Better yet, click here for information on electronic billing of intellectual property legal services.
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